Introduction to Flow Model


Flow Model

Basic Ideas

Suppose a neural network generator $G$ defines a distribution $P_G$, that is

\[z\sim \pi(z), \,x\sim P_G(x),\\ x=G(z)\]

The optimal model is

\[G^*=\underset{G}{\text{argmax}}\sum_{i=1}^m \text{log}P_G(x_i) \approx KL(P_{data}||P_G)\]

From the transformation relationship, we have


where $\pi(z_i)=G^{-1}(x_i)$. Apply $\text{log}$ to both sides, we have


The iteration of multiple models (the flow) is as follows

\[\pi(x)\rightarrow\boxed{G_1}\rightarrow P_1(x)\rightarrow\boxed{G_2}\rightarrow P_2(x)\rightarrow \cdots\]

And the we get distribution

\[P_G(x_i)=\pi(z_i)|\text{det}(J_{G_1^{-1}})||\text{det}(J_{G_2^{-1}})|\cdots|\text{det}(J_{G_K^{-1}})|,\\ i.e.,\text{log}P_G(x_i)=\text{log}\pi(z_i)+\sum_{n=1}^K|\text{det}(J_{G_n^{-1}})|\]

Coupling Layer


It is easy to find that it is a invertible transformation, on the one hand,

\[x_{i\leq d}=z_{i\leq d},\\ x_{i> d}=\beta_{i> d} z_{i> d}+\gamma_{i> d}\]

on the other hand,

\[z_{i\leq d}=x_{i\leq d},\\ z_{i> d}=\frac{x_{i> d}-\gamma_{i> d}}{\beta_{i> d}}\]

Now we can compute the Jacobian Matrix

\[\left[ \begin{array}{c|c} I& 0 \\ \hline *& Diagonal \end{array} \right]\] \[\text{det}J_G=\frac{\partial x_{d+1}}{\partial z_{d+1}}\frac{\partial x_{d+2}}{\partial z_{d+2}}\cdots \frac{\partial x_{D}}{\partial z_{D}}=\beta_{d+1}\beta_{d+2}\cdots \beta_{D}\]

Coupling Layer Stacks
